July 4, 2006 24/7 News Coverage our time will build eternity
NASA Launches Shuttle Discovery Into Orbit
Washington DC (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
Space shuttle Discovery delivered a flawless liftoff Tuesday afternoon, ending weeks of worry and uncertainty, and lending a heightened celebratory note to the July Fourth holiday in the United States. The spacecraft took off exactly on time at 2:38 p.m. Eastern Time from Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, in a launch viewed in unprecedented detail by a new slew of cameras installed by NASA. Discovery is transporting seven astronauts - six Americans and one European - to a rendezvous with the International Space Station on Thursday.

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  • LAST 5 DAYS JUL 03 JUL 02 JUN 30 JUN 29 JUN 28
    Jules Verne ATV Passes Acoustic Tests
    Noordwijk, Netherlands (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
    Acoustic testing of ESA's Jules Verne Automated Transfer Vehicle has been completed successfully at the agency's facilities in Noordwijk. The 11-ton test configuration of the ATV Flight Model - its the actual flight launch mass is 20.5 tons - was transferred to the Large European Acoustic Facility with the help of an air cushion transfer pad.

    New Soyuz 2-1a Payload Fairing Ready For Flight
    Baikonur, Kazakhstan (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
    Arianespace announced Monday its Soyuz launcher's enlarged payload fairing is ready for its July 17 flight, in which it is scheduled to launch the MetOp-A meteorological satellite from Baikonur.

    I Robot, Your Companion
    Paris, France (SPX) Jul 03, 2006
    Robotic technology is advancing apace and now a top team of European scientists and engineers hope to make the leap from single function 'dumb' machines to adaptive learning machines. The concept of a cognitive robotic companion inspires some of the best science fiction but one day may be science fact following the work of the four-year COGNIRON project.

      Putin Wants More Russian Satellites In Space
    Moscow (AFP) Jul 04, 2006
    President Vladimir Putin called Monday for more Russian satellites to be launched into orbit as part of a space development strategy bewteen now and 2015. His comments came at a government strategy meeting in Moscow where Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov said it was necessary to improve the quality of new laucnhers and satellites.

    Space Navigation Woes
    Moscow (UPI) Jul 04, 2006
    The Russian satellite navigation system, which, as the name suggests, monitors ship and air traffic, is itself in need of effective state monitoring. It is high time top national leaders focused on the solution to two high-priority challenges: prompt efforts to launch the required number of navigation satellites, and the creation of favorable conditions for their broad commercial use in order to make the system financially independent.

    Spirit Examines Light Tones Halley Formation
    Pasadena CA (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
    Stretching along a formation mission team members have named Low Ridge, lying in front of the Martian winter haven for NASA's Spirit rover, are several continuous rock layers that make up the ridge.

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    NMS RAN Backhaul Optimizer Certified to Interoperate with iDirect
    Framingham, MA (SPX) Jun 25, 2006
    NMS Communications, a leading provider of communications technologies and solutions for converged and mobile networks, today announced it has successfully completed interoperability testing between its AccessGate RAN backhaul optimizer and iDirect Technologies' iNFINITI series of VSAT (very small aperture terminal) routers.

    Iridium To Provide Satellite Links To Tsunami Warning Buoys
    Bethesda MD (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
    Iridium is providing satellite data links for a new system of 31 ocean buoys to be deployed by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Data Center. The system detects and monitors tsunami waves in the open ocean.

    ESA Earth Observation Satellites Contribute To IPY
    Paris, France (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
    ESA satellites will be providing scientists from 60 countries with data covering Earth's polar regions for the International Polar Year, which runs from 2007 to 2008.

      Enceladus Exudes Air Of Mystery
    Pasadena CA (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
    Atomic oxygen could never be confused with expensive perfume, but just as a fragrance lingering in the air of an empty room offers hints about a previous occupant, the cloud of oxygen the Cassini spacecraft encountered as it first approached Saturn turned out to be a calling card from another celestial presence, the tiny moon Enceladus.

    Small Asteroid Flies By Earth
    Washington DC (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
    An asteroid hurtling through space came within a hair's breadth -- in astronomical terms, at least -- of crashing into the Earth early Monday, US scientists said.

    SMART 1 Photographs Kepler Crater Up Close
    Paris, France (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
    ESA's SMART-1 spacecraft took this image of Kepler crater on the Moon using its Advanced Moon Imaging Experiment. The AMIE obtained the image on Jan. 13 from a distance ranging between 1,613 kilometers and 1,702 kilometers (1,000 miles to 1,055 miles) from the surface, with a ground resolution between 146 meters and 154 meters (475 feet and 500 feet) per pixel.

    North Korea Warns Off US Attack
    Seoul (SPX) Jul 03, 2006
    North Korea vowed Monday to counter any attack by the United States with its "mighty nuclear deterrent," accusing Washington of raising tension on the Korean peninsula.

    Iran Says Could Be Flexible In Nuclear Talks
    Tehran (AFP) Jul 03, 2006
    Iran could be flexible in talks to resolve a nuclear standoff with the international community if its "red lines" were respected, a senior security official said Monday ahead of a key meeting with the EU on the row.

    Britain Ready To Overhall Defense Acquisition In Major Shake Up
    London UK (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
    A new blueprint to ensure the United Kingdom's Armed Forces are able to get the best equipment at the best price, has been unveiled UK by the Defence Minister Des Browne.

    Falcon Supercomputer To Solve Problems
    Wright-Patterson AFB OH (AFNS) Jul 04, 2006
    The newest supercomputer at the Aeronautical Systems Center's Major Shared Resource Center went into production recently, enabling advanced problem-solving capabilities for mission-critical support to the Department of Defense.

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      Jellyfish-Like Creatures May Play Major Role In Fate Of Oceanic CO2
    Woods Hole MA (SPX) Jul 03, 2006
    Transparent jellyfish-like creatures known as salps, considered by many a low member in the ocean food web, may be more important to the fate of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in the ocean than previously thought.

    Mount Merapi Besieged By Monkeys
    Jakarta (AFP) Jul 03, 2006
    Hundreds of famished monkeys are adding to the woes of residents on the slopes of Indonesia's rumbling Mount Merapi, a report said Monday.

    A Surprise About Our Body Clock
    Salt Lake City UT (SPX) Jul 04, 2006
    The first gene known to control the internal clock of humans and other mammals works much differently than previously believed, according to a study by Utah and Michigan researchers.

    US Congress Panels OK India Nuke Deal
    Washington (UPI) Jul 03, 2006
    The US-India nuclear deal looks set for rapid implementation after back-to-back endorsements by both houses of Congress last week. The key committees approved the agreement despite strong campaigns mounted by anti-nuclear proliferation activists.

    President Of China Calls For Greater Democracy
    Beijing (AFP) Jul 03, 2006
    Chinese President Hu Jintao has called for greater democracy in China and democratic elections, in a speech on the eve of the ruling Communist Party's 85th anniversary.
  • Jules Verne ATV Passes Acoustic Tests
  • NASA Names Shuttle Successor Rocket Ares
  • NASA Looks Beyond Shuttle With New Spaceship
  • Botanist To Study Seed Behavior Aboard Space Station

  • Spirit Examines Light Tones Halley Formation
  • Full Plate For Opportunity
  • Northrop Grumman Wins NASA Task Order For MSL Software Assurance
  • Mars Via The Antarctic and The Arctic

  • Improved Soyuz 2-1a Payload Fairing Ready For Flight
  • UP Aerospace Sets New Mexico Launch In August
  • Student Rocket Launched At Cape Canaveral
  • ATK Technologies Support Delta IV Launch Of NRO Satellite

  • ESA Earth Observation Satellites Contribute To IPY
  • ESA Donates Envisat Global Images To UN
  • Ball Aerospace To Provide Two Cameras For Glory Mission
  • France Offers Alternative To Google Earth

  • IAU Approves Names For Two Small Plutonian Moons
  • Three Trojan Asteroids Share Neptune Orbit
  • New Horizons Crosses The Asteroid Belt
  • Trio Of Neptunes And Their Belt

  • Desert Cosmic Ray Detector Project Moving Ahead
  • Integral Sees A GRB Out Of The Corner Of Its Eye
  • How To Bake A Galaxy
  • Hubble Sees Star Birth Gone Wild

  • SMART 1 Photographs Kepler Crater Up Close
  • Mysterious Lunar Swirls
  • SMART-1 Maneuvers Prepare For Mission End
  • GMV To Provide Mission Planning Software For Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

  • Space Navigation Woes
  • San Diego Eliminates Waste Using Cingular-Powered Wireless Data Solution
  • Next Generation Tracking Technology Emerging
  • Rockwell Collins Wins Air Force Contract For Next Gen GPS

  • LAST 5 DAYS JUL 03 JUL 02 JUN 30 JUN 29 JUN 28
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