The second, as a unit of measurement, is defined with greater precision than other base units like the kilogram or meter. It is currently determined by atomic clocks worldwide that use radio waves to synchronize devices such as computers and smartphones.
Eliot Bohr, a PhD fellow at the Niels Bohr Institute and now with the University of Colorado, highlighted that current atomic clocks face precision issues due to the heating effect of detection lasers on atoms. "The process heats the atoms so much they escape, which degrades the clock's precision," Bohr explained. He is the lead author of a study published in Nature Communications that proposes a method potentially enhancing this accuracy.
The new technique involves cooling strontium atoms to nearly -273C in a magneto-optical trap, creating a stable environment for precise oscillation measurement without the need to replace the atoms frequently. "Using a phenomenon known as 'superradiance,' these atoms can emit a powerful light signal for time measurement without significant heating," Bohr said.
This innovation could improve GPS accuracy and the reliability of space mission timing, where even minor discrepancies can lead to significant navigation errors. Additionally, smaller, more portable atomic clocks could advance technologies that monitor gravitational changes to predict volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
Despite its promise, Bohr noted that this superradiant method is still a "proof of concept" needing further refinement. The research, a collaboration among scientists from the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Innsbruck, and Columbia University, underscores the global effort required to push the boundaries of scientific discovery in timekeeping.
Research Report:Collectively enhanced Ramsey readout by cavity sub- to superradiant transition
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