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Scientific Systems partners with SAIC to develop Space Battle Management Solutions for SDA
Scientific Systems Company, Inc. (SSCI) focuses on the creation of Collaborative Mission Autonomy to command, control, communicate with, and manage composable collections of intelligent agents, smart sensors, and autonomous platforms at the edge across the domains of space, air, land, and sea.
Scientific Systems partners with SAIC to develop Space Battle Management Solutions for SDA
by Staff Writers
Woburn MA (SPX) Oct 23, 2023

Scientific Systems, renowned for its contributions to intelligent autonomous systems, is collaborating with Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) to advance the Battle Management Command, Control and Communications (BMC3) Application Factory. This initiative is part of a larger strategy by the Space Development Agency (SDA) for managing its Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA), a constellation of low-earth orbit satellites.

SAIC received the contract from the SDA in June 2023, enlisting Scientific Systems as a key player in the development, execution, and upkeep of both the BMC3 Application Factory and its accompanying Secure Interoperability Layer (SIL).

Dr. Owen Brown, Vice President of Solutions Development for Scientific Systems, stated, "Scientific Systems has successfully demonstrated integration and deployment of new containerized software for SDA's POET program using our Innoflight processor hosted on Loft-Orbital's YAM-3 satellite. With this experience, we are now poised to play a pivotal role in establishing the hosting environment for operational satellite BMC3 applications within the SDA PWSA constellation."

The BMC3 Application Factory employs a cloud-based architecture, aiming to distribute software via a DevSecOps process to the constellation of PWSA satellites. Given the time-sensitive nature of space-based missions, the software developed by BMC3 will focus on automated management of space operations. It will do so by enabling effective command and control, mission processing, and rapid data dissemination. This agile approach to software deployment will enable the Space Force to adapt swiftly to evolving threats and operational requirements.

SAIC, acting as the BMC3 integrator, has been tasked with supporting the PWSA, a crucial element in the Department of Defense's Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) strategy. The PWSA aims to enhance data communications and accelerate decision-making capabilities. This will help the SDA ensure its on-orbit assets-constructed by multiple vendors-are highly adaptive to changing near-peer threats and the operational needs of warfighters.

Scientific Systems' role will be instrumental in establishing a secure middleware layer that can operate across various satellite hardware. The middleware will ensure the seamless operation of BMC3 mission applications, allowing real-time coordination throughout the PWSA constellation. This interoperability is vital for effectively managing a diverse array of satellites, thus fostering a more resilient and agile space architecture.

In summary, the partnership between Scientific Systems and SAIC is not merely a contractual arrangement but a collaborative effort aimed at reinforcing the United States' capabilities in space. Through the development of the BMC3 Application Factory and the SIL, the duo will contribute substantially to the Space Development Agency's overarching goals of creating a secure and adaptive environment for space operations.

ai.spacedaily.com analysis

Comprehensive Analyst Summary:

Relevance Ratings:

1. Space and Defense Industry Analyst: 10/10
2. Stock and Finance Market Analyst: 8/10
3. Government Policy Analyst: 9/10

Analyst Summary:

Main Points:

- Scientific Systems is partnering with SAIC to develop Battle Management Command, Control, and Communications (BMC3) Application Factory. - This is part of the larger Space Development Agency (SDA) strategy for its Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). - The cloud-based BMC3 will automate the management of space operations through real-time coordination across a range of satellites.


- Space and Defense: This collaboration will significantly influence the U.S.'s capabilities in space, specifically in agile command and control systems. This relates to the trends over the past 25 years, like the growing use of LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellites and increasingly autonomous systems.

- Stock and Finance: The contract award for SAIC and Scientific Systems could potentially increase their valuation and interest among investors. This is especially crucial in an era when commercial and defense space activities are rapidly converging.

- Government Policy: The SDA's focus on interoperability and agility aligns with the Department of Defense's broader Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) strategy. This could have implications for future defense budgets and policies.

Comparative Analysis:

Over the past 25 years, the defense and space industries have witnessed a significant transition from geostationary satellites to more agile LEO constellations, along with an increasing focus on autonomous and real-time capabilities. This contract is an example of how the United States is adapting to the evolving landscape by fostering partnerships between government agencies and the private sector to enhance capabilities and adapt to evolving threats.

Investigative Questions:

1. How will the BMC3 Application Factory integrate with existing systems within the Department of Defense?

2. What are the financial projections for SAIC and Scientific Systems based on this contract?

3. How does the U.S.'s PWSA strategy compare with similar initiatives by global competitors like Russia or China?

4. What technological innovations are expected to come out of this collaboration, specifically regarding autonomous systems and real-time command and control?

5. What contingencies are in place if a component of this complex architecture fails?

This partnership represents a key milestone in the contemporary space and defense sectors, promising significant ramifications across multiple domains.

Related Links
Scientific Systems Company
Military Space News at SpaceWar.com

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