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Russia to stop using ISS by 2028, create own National Space Station
by Staff Writers
Moscow (Sputnik) Aug 03, 2021

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Russia is planning to stop using the International Space Station by 2028 and create a national space station instead given risks posed by ISS worn-out equipment, state space agency Roscosmos said on Saturday.

The corporation's Scientific and Technical Council held a meeting earlier in the day.

"After reviewing the current state of the Russian section of the ISS, the council of chief designers has noted that due to the significant part of the station's equipment getting old, further use of the Russian section of the ISS after 2024 poses additional risks," Roscosmos said in a statement.

The Scientific and Technical Council recommended laying groundwork for construction of a new national space station "in order to avoid risks related to the technical condition of the Russian section of the ISS, and [due to] the plans to end its use by 2028," Roscosmos added.

Source: RIA Novosti

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