This instrument suite will enable Earth observation from three identical Low-Earth orbit observatories. Using multispectral imaging technology, LandIS will capture images of the Earth's surface every six days, identifying both natural and human-induced changes.
"The next-generation instruments for Landsat Next will ensure continuity of the longest space-based record of Earth's land surface," said Sandy Brown, vice president for Mission Solutions and Payloads for Raytheon. "With up to three times the spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution of its predecessor, the imagers will enhance data collection to improve awareness of water quality, crop production, soil conservation, forest management, mineral mapping, and climate change impacts."
Data from Landsat Next and the LandIS sensors will provide essential information on land use, crop production, weather patterns, and natural resources. The new instruments will help identify patterns previously undetected due to timing or image quality, aiding agencies in responding to natural disasters, human migration, and environmental crises.
Raytheon has supported the Landsat mission since the 1970s, beginning with the construction of the Multi Spectral Scanner (MSS) for the Earth Resources Technology Satellite, later renamed Landsat 1, in 1972. Raytheon also developed instruments for Landsat missions 2 through 7.
The first LandIS sensor is slated for delivery in 2028. Contract work will take place in El Segundo, California.
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Landsat-Next at USGS
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