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North Korea holds military parade on eve of Olympics
By Jung Ha-won
Seoul (AFP) Feb 8, 2018

Pence: US 'ready for any eventuality' on N.Korea
Yokota Air Base, Japan (AFP) Feb 8, 2018 - Vice President Mike Pence said on Thursday the United States was "ready for any eventuality" with regard to North Korea and warned that "all options were on the table" to deal with Pyongyang's threats.

Speaking to US and Japanese troops at the Yokota Air Base outside Tokyo, Pence vowed to continue the "maximum pressure campaign" on North Korea in a bid to force Pyongyang to give up its nuclear missile programme.

Pence's trip to Asia comes amid an apparent thaw on the Korean peninsula, spurred by North Korea's participation in what is being hailed the "peace" Olympics in Pyeongchang in the South.

But he struck a tough tone, citing a string of rights abuses and stressing: "Those who dare threaten us would do well not to underestimate the capabilities of the armed forces of the United States.

"Let the world know, from here in Yokota Air Base and beyond, we are ready for any eventuality.

"Let our adversaries know: All options are on the table and the American armed forces and self-defence forces of Japan will be ready to defend our people and our way of life."

Any provocation, including any use of nuclear weapons, would result in a "response that is rapid, overwhelming and effective", he vowed.

On Wednesday, Pence announced Washington would soon impose the "toughest" sanctions yet against the "rogue regime" in North Korea.

He also said Pyongyang would not be allowed to "hijack" the Games in Pyeongchang to distract the world from its military build-up and nuclear weapons programmes.

After addressing the troops, Pence will fly to South Korea to attend Friday's opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.

He has not directly ruled out holding a meeting with officials from North Korea, which is expected to send Kim Yong Nam, the ceremonial head of state and sister of leader Kim Jong Un.

Nevertheless, according to state news agency KCNA, the North has no intention of meeting US officials during the Games -- but did not rule it out either.

North Korea staged a military parade in Pyongyang Thursday to mark the 70th anniversary of its armed forces, putting its intercontinental ballistic missiles on show just a day before the Winter Olympics open in the South.

The nuclear-armed North is on an Olympics-linked charm offensive -- sending a troupe of performers, hundreds of female cheerleaders, and the sister of leader Kim Jong Un to South Korea.

But regiments of soldiers goose-stepped in formation through Kim Il Sung Square on Thursday, followed by trucks, artillery, tanks and finally four giant Hwasong-15 ICBMs -- as well as a band forming the Korean word for "Victory".

Unlike the North's last parade in April 2017 state television did not show the event live, instead airing it hours later.

Fireworks went off as leader Kim Jong Un took his place on the rostrum to watch the display, along with his wife Ri Sol Ju and ceremonial head of state Kim Yong Nam -- who will head Pyongyang's delegation to the Olympics on Friday.

"We ... have become capable of showcasing our stature as a world-class military power to the world," said Kim, wearing a long black coat and black fedora.

The military should remain on high alert to ensure that invaders could not violate the North's sovereignty "even by 0.001mm", he said.

"Long live!" cried the assembled troops, their breath condensing in the subzero temperatures and some of them in tears at the sight of the leader.

Analysts say that with the dual approach, the North is looking to normalise its status as a "de facto nuclear state", and could be trying to weaken sanctions against it or drive a wedge between the South and its ally the US.

North Korea is under multiple sets of UN Security Council sanctions over its banned nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes, which have seen it develop rockets capable of reaching the US mainland.

Pyongyang last month announced it was changing the date of its military commemoration from April 25 to February 8 -- the day before the Games' opening ceremony in Pyeongchang, just 80 kilometres (50 miles) south of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that divides the peninsula.

North Korea normally invites hundreds of foreign journalists to show off the spectacle to the world but did not do so this time, possibly an indication that it wanted to control how the display is seen -- which would be in keeping with the absence of live coverage.

"It looks like North Korea had potential reaction from the international community in mind and toned down the scale and message of the event a lot," said Lim Eul-Chul, a North Korean studies professor at Kyungnam University.

- VIPs head south -

The North's high-level delegation for the Olympics is being led by Kim Yong Nam, the highest-level official ever to visit the South, and also includes Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong -- an increasingly powerful and influential figure.

They are due in the South Friday and Seoul's presidential Blue House said they will have lunch with President Moon Jae-in the following day.

US Vice President Mike Pence arrived in the South Thursday and is also scheduled to attend the opening ceremony in Pyeongchang on Friday.

That could put him in the same room as Kim Yong Nam, raising the prospect of senior figures from the two sides meeting after a year in which their leaders traded personal insults and threats of war.

Senior Pyongyang foreign ministry official Cho Yong Sam said the North had "no intention" of meeting US authorities during the trip.

But his comments did not rule out a meeting -- and nor has Pence, who lambasted the North Thursday but added: "There may be a possibility for any kind of an encounter with North Koreans," whether informal or a meeting.

"We'll have to wait and see exactly how that unfolds."

- 'Peace Olympics' -

The Winter Olympics have triggered a rapid rapprochement on the peninsula, although analysts warn that warmer relations may not last long beyond the Games.

Tensions soared last year as the North carried out multiple weapons tests, including the Hwasong-15 capable of reaching the US mainland, and by far its most powerful nuclear test to date.

For months Pyongyang ignored Seoul's entreaties to take part in a "peace Olympics" until Kim indicated his willingness to do so in his New Year speech.

That set off a rapid series of meetings which saw the two Koreas agree to march together at the opening ceremony and form a unified women's ice hockey team, their first for 27 years.

But critics in the South say Seoul has made too many concessions to Pyongyang, and demonstrators protested Thursday as a North Korean orchestra gave a sold-out performance in Gangneung, which is hosting Olympic events.

But others were making the most of the rare event.

"I think it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity unless we are reunified," said Kim Mi-sook, who attended the concert with her husband.

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