Equipment that tests the guidance system of a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile is to be updated by Boeing.
Boeing said the work will be conducted on the guidance data acquisition system, or GDAS, under a U.S. Air Force contract worth $4.9 million.
"As national programs unfold that are critical to affordably sustaining and modernizing Minuteman III until 2030 and beyond, Boeing remains committed to helping the Air Force keep its ICBM force ready," said Peggy Morse, vice president, Boeing Directed Energy & Strategic Systems.
Boeing said the new and improved GDAS will be specifically designed for nuclear hardness and survivability testing at Little Mountain Test Facility in Ogden, Utah. The facility is where Boeing tests radiation, shock and vibration, environmental and electromagnetic effects on weapon systems.
Boeing has been the primary contractor for the operation and maintenance of the facility since 2007.
Additional details about the contract and GDAS were not provided in the contract announcement.