Astronomers led by CHRIST University in Bangalore have identified an enormous spiral galaxy, located nearly one billion light-years from our planet, housing a supermassive black hole billions of times the mass of our Sun. This immense black hole is unleashing colossal radio jets spanning six million light-years, making them among the longest ever observed in any spiral galaxy.
This finding is particularly striking because such massive jets have typically been associated with elliptical galaxies, not spirals. The anomaly forces scientists to reassess current models of galactic development and consider the implications for galaxies similar to our own.
The research team warned that the Milky Way could eventually produce similar high-energy jets, which emit cosmic rays, X-rays, and gamma rays. These emissions could intensify radiation levels in our solar system, potentially triggering mass extinction events on Earth.
"This discovery is more than just an oddity - it forces us to rethink how galaxies evolve, and how supermassive black holes grow in them and shape their environments," said lead author Professor Joydeep Bagchi of CHRIST University. "If a spiral galaxy can not only survive but thrive under such extreme conditions, what does this mean for the future of galaxies like our own Milky Way? Could our galaxy one day experience similar high-energy phenomena that will have serious consequences for the survival of precious life in it?"
The study, appearing in *Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society*, details the characteristics of the galaxy 2MASX J23453268-0449256, which is roughly triple the size of the Milky Way. Using data from the Hubble Space Telescope, Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, and Atacama Large Millimeter Wave Array, researchers identified the galaxy's central supermassive black hole and traced the extent of its enormous radio jets.
Surprisingly, despite the black hole's extreme activity, the galaxy has retained a serene spiral structure, complete with luminous spiral arms, a bright central bar, and a stable stellar ring. This defies previous assumptions that such energy output would destroy a spiral galaxy's ordered form.
The surrounding hot gas halo, emitting X-rays, further adds to the mystery. While this gas gradually cools, the black hole's jets reheated it, halting new star formation despite ample gas supplies.
Currently, the Milky Way's central black hole, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), is relatively dormant with a mass of 4 million Suns. However, if it accretes nearby matter like gas clouds or small galaxies, it could ignite jet activity. These Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs), though unobserved in our galaxy, have been recorded elsewhere.
Jet formation near Earth could have profound consequences. Depending on their direction and intensity, such jets could strip planetary atmospheres, disrupt DNA, and increase mutation rates. A direct hit might erode the ozone layer and provoke a mass extinction. Alternatively, jets could reshape the interstellar medium, influencing star formation.
Scientists believe the Milky Way has emitted large-scale jets in the past, and while it may do so again, predicting when remains uncertain.
Another critical revelation from the study is that J23453268-0449256 contains ten times more dark matter than the Milky Way. This excess dark matter helps stabilize its rapidly rotating disk, contributing to the galaxy's resilience.
"Understanding these rare galaxies could provide vital clues about the unseen forces governing the universe - including the nature of dark matter, the long-term fate of galaxies, and the origin of life," noted co-author Shankar Ray, a PhD student at CHRIST University. "Ultimately, this study brings us one step closer to unravelling the mysteries of the cosmos, reminding us that the universe still holds surprises beyond our imagination."
Research Report:Unveiling the bulge-disc structure, AGN feedback, and baryon landscape in a massive spiral galaxy with Mpc-scale radio jets
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