Quantum interference, a key aspect of quantum optics, plays a vital role in optical quantum computing. It utilizes the wave-particle duality of light to produce interference patterns that are essential for quantum information processing.
Traditional approaches to multi-photon experiments typically involve spatial encoding, where photons are manipulated across different spatial paths to create interference. These setups are often complex and require numerous components, which complicates scaling.
The team, including researchers from the University of Vienna, Politecnico di Milano, and Universite libre de Bruxelles, has adopted temporal encoding instead. This method focuses on the time domain of photons rather than spatial paths.
Their newly designed architecture, developed at the Christian Doppler Laboratory at the University of Vienna, employs an optical fiber loop. This setup allows for the reuse of the same optical components, leading to efficient multi-photon interference with fewer resources.
Lorenzo Carosini, the lead author of the study, stated, "In our experiment, we observed quantum interference with up to eight photons, a scale beyond many current experiments. Our approach's flexibility allows us to reconfigure the interference pattern and scale the experiment size without altering the optical setup."
This advancement highlights the resource efficiency of their approach over conventional spatial encoding methods, paving the way for more accessible and scalable quantum technologies.
Research Report:Programmable multi-photon quantum interference in a single spatial mode
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