ATK Receives $17.5 Million Contract For CASTOR 120-R Motors
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by Staff Writers
Minneapolis MN (SPX) Oct 23, 2006
Alliant Techsystems has received a $17.5 million contract from Orbital Sciences Corporation for CASTOR 120 motors. The motors will be used on the Taurus XL launch vehicle and will support NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) and Glory earth science satellite missions scheduled for launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. in 2008. ATK Launch Systems will perform the work at its Promontory, Utah, facility.
The CASTOR 120 is a medium-sized solid rocket motor that develops approximately 371,000-lbf average thrust during its 82-second burn time. The CASTOR 120 flew for the first time in 1997 as the first stage of an Athena I launch vehicle.
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Russian Space Co. To Launch At Least 11 Satellites By 2009
Moscow, Russia (RIA) Oct 23, 2006
A leading Russian space company said Monday it holds commercial orders for 11 satellite launches up to 2009. The director general of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, Vladimir Nesterov, said Proton carrier rockets, which the center produces, account for some 30% of commercial launches on the global market. Proton rockets have orbited 41 foreign commercial spacecraft since 1996, he said.