
Black hole birth captured by cosmic voyeurs
Intelligent telescopes designed by Los Alamos National Laboratory got a front row seat recently for an unusual birth. "Los Alamos' RAPTOR telescopes in New Mexico and Hawaii received a very bright c ... more
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Free access to Copernicus Sentinel satellite data
Free and open access to Sentinel satellite data will be granted for the Copernicus operational phase. The European Delegated Act on Copernicus data and information policy will enter into force in th ... more
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Evidence of Destruction in Tacloban, Philippines
When Super Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines on November 8, 2013, it pounded the island of Leyte with winds near 315 kilometers (195 miles) per hour and a tremendous storm surge. In Tacloban, wi ... more
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Debris from stellar explosions in the Galaxy's fast lane
Astronomers looking at the radioactive afterglow of supernovae with ESA's INTEGRAL mission have revealed that the remains of stellar explosions move through the Milky Way much faster, on average, th ... more