
Tell-tale toes point to oldest-known fossil bird tracks from Australia
Two fossilized footprints found at Dinosaur Cove in Victoria, Australia, were likely made by birds during the Early Cretaceous, making them the oldest known bird tracks in Australia.
The journ ... more
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New techniques produce cleanest graphene yet
Columbia Engineering researchers have experimentally demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to electrically contact an atomically thin two-dimensional (2 ... more
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Chewing their way to success
The subfamily of rodents known as Murinae (mice, rats, etc.), which first appeared in Asia 12 million years ago, spread across the entire Old World (Eurasia, Africa, Australia) in less than 2 millio ... more
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Corvus Energy's lithium energy storage system is the world's first to be type - approved by DNV GL
Corvus Energy's lithium energy storage system is the world's first to be type- approved by DNV GL. The type approval is significant because it makes increased fuel efficiency and greatly reduced emi ... more