What can plants reveal about global climate change?
Diverse approaches and techniques may be the key to revealing the complex relationships between plants and wide-scale biological changes. Recently, climate change, including global warming, has been ... more
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How Did Earth's Primitive Chemistry Get Kick Started?
How did life on Earth get started? Three new papers co-authored by Mike Russell, a research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., strengthen the case that Earth's first li ... more
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Natural affinities may have set stage for life to ignite
The chemical components crucial to the start of life on Earth may have primed and protected each other in never-before-realized ways, according to new research led by University of Washington scient ... more
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First Liquid Hydrogen Tank Barrel Segment for SLS Core Completed
The first liquid hydrogen tank barrel segment for the core stage of NASA's new heavy-lift launch vehicle, the Space Launch System (SLS), recently was completed at the agency's Michoud Assembly Facil ... more