This page and its 3 associated pages originally contained a set of articles tracing the history of US rocket developments.
However, due to a series of misunderstanding and abuses of opportunity, I have decided to withdraw the entire series of articles and remove them from our servers.
SpaceDaily does not endorse the language adopted in this series of articles and the manipulation of previously published text by another publication so as to undermine and change the original intent of what someone said and was subsequently published by other parties.
It is not a matter of whether one agrees or disagrees with what someone writes or says, but rather the process by which the discussion takes place.
SpaceDaily has a long history of focusing on facts and leaving the abusive language to the newsgroups and webblogs.
SpaceDaily has never intentionally operated at this level, and in the future an even higher level of publishing standard to ensure this does happen not by design or mistake will be our goal.
As publisher of SpaceDaily I extend my personal apology to General Jumper, a person who I've never met nor spoken to, and no matter what one thinks or does not think - about the General's policy decisions - there is no need to be party to childish language that crosses the line to abuse.
Simon Mansfield