Note this article was issued by mistake before it was completed. The additional paper to accompany this article has not been fully converted to PDF format. My apologies for releasing this early by mistake. It was taken out of the main article batch but got left in another processing batch and then ended up in the main headlines list. It's an interesting story by a geologist who spends much of his day in outback Australia looking at some of the driest and most Mars-like landscape on Earth -- and his conclusions are quite different from the prevailing wisdom that governs so much Mars science today. Previously Peter Ravenscroft has written before on his observations of Earth and Martian geology. Although a little rough around the edges when it comes to modern scienfitic process and language, Ravenscroft's observations and accompanying theories are interesting in the challenge they present to prevailing Martian oxthordoxies that dominate the Martian sciences today.
- earlier work by Peter Ravenscroft. New paper out next week.