A new optronics suite has been integrated and demonstrated aboard Sagem's Patroller unmanned aerial system for extended long-range identification capabilities.
Sagem, headquartered in France, said the optronics is based on a new Euroflir 410 gyro-stabilized turret and includes a high-resolution spooter and a Matis AP infrared camera.
The Patroller's ground segment has also been upgraded with new processing software and new tools with the capability for automatic tracking of mobile targets.
"The performance level of this new imagery system was demonstrated during several realistic scenarios .. recently (encountered ) by armed forces in operations: intelligence collection, operation support, search and rescue, etc...," the company said.
Developed by Sagem, the Patroller is a modular tactical UAS with a flight endurance of 20 hours. It can carry a payload of 550 pounds at an altitude up to 20,000 ft.
The aircraft is currently on static display at the Eurosatory 2014 exhibition in Paris.