Apple on Tuesday unveiled the "Magic Trackpad," a touchpad which allows a user to operate a desktop computer with finger gestures, eliminating the need for a mouse.
The Magic Trackpad costs 69 dollars in the online Apple Store.
The battery-powered device, which looks a bit like a notepad made out of glass and aluminum, connects to Apple's Mac desktop computers using Bluetooth wireless technology.
It allows users to operate their machines using the tapping, swiping and pinching finger gestures well known to owners of iPhones or iPads.
Apple said it works from as far as 33 feet (10 meters) away from the computer.
The touchpad technology has already featured in Apple's MacBook Pro notebook computers.
Apple on Tuesday also unveiled new iMac desktop computers featuring more powerful processors, 21.5-inch and 27-inch screens and price tags of 1,199 dollars to 1,999 dollars.