The first C-5M Super Galaxy production joint acceptance flight with Lockheed Martin and the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) occurred Oct. 17, here at the Lockheed Martin facilities.
The joint aircrew included: (from left: Tech. Sgt. Jeremy Huff, Flight Engineer, Lt. Col. Robert Griffith, Aircraft Commander, Master Sgt. Garrad Mitchell, Flight Engineer, Lockheed Martin pilot, Butch Johnson, LM Flight Engineer Larry Frias and LM Flight Engineer John Linville.
"Today marks a significant milestone for our C-5 family. While this may sound simple, this took many hours of coordination and planning from many in the C-5 enterprise," said Greg Ulmer, vice president of the C-5 program.
"This is just one step of many we are implementing to increase the rate of C-5M deliveries to our warfighters."
Joint acceptance flights are expected to reduce total delivery time by two to four weeks. C-5M flight acceptance is the final phase of the process to deliver the aircraft back to the Air Force.