News About Our Moon
June 30, 2024
China hauls back nearly 2 kilograms of lunar samples from far side

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 01, 2024
A total of 1,935.3 grams of lunar samples were retrieved by China's Chang'e 6 robotic probe from the moon's far side, the China National Space Administration announced on Friday morning, as the space authority handed over the scientifically invaluable substances to scientists. The weight of the samples, the most asked question by science and space enthusiasts over the past two days, was revealed by the space administration at a handover ceremony at its Beijing headquarters. Put in a special ... read more
University Teams Shine in NASA's Human Lander Challenge
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 01, 2024
NASA's 2024 Human Lander Challenge (HuLC) Forum gathered 12 university teams from across the United States in Huntsville, Alabama, near the agency's Marshall Space Flight Center, to present their in ... more
Chang'e 6 mission returns with Moon samples from far side
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jun 27, 2024
The reentry capsule of the Chang'e 6 mission was opened in Beijing on Wednesday afternoon, reported China Central Television. The capsule was transported to Beijing earlier on Wednesday mornin ... more
Astrobotic reveals lunar surface proving ground for payload testing
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jun 26, 2024
Astrobotic has unveiled its Lunar Surface Proving Ground (LSPG) at its Mojave, CA facility. The 100mx100m high-fidelity 3D test field replicates the Moon's surface topography and optical properties. ... more
China's Chang'e-6 mission successfully returns to Earth with historic moon samples
Washington DC (UPI) Jun 25, 2024
China's Chang'e-6 mission successfully returned to Earth early Tuesday, bringing with it the first-ever samples retrieved from the far side of the moon. ... more



'Power rivalry in space': China lunar mission fuels US misinformation
Hong Kong (AFP) June 27, 2024
A historic lunar mission has demonstrated China's growing scientific prowess, but the feat has set off a torrent of misinformation targeting the United States that researchers say reflects their bitter competition in space. ... more
China lunar probe returns to Earth with samples
Beijing (AFP) June 25, 2024
A Chinese probe carrying samples from the far side of the Moon returned to Earth on Tuesday, capping a technically complex 53-day mission heralded as a world first. ... more
Why do some planets have moons
Hamden CT (SPX) Jun 25, 2024
On Earth, you can look up at night and see the Moon shining bright from hundreds of thousands of miles away. But if you went to Venus, that wouldn't be the case. Not every planet has a moon - so why ... more
Chang'e-6 to Return with Farside Moon Samples
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jun 24, 2024
On June 25, China's Chang'e-6 (CE-6) lunar probe is set to return to Earth, carrying the first surface samples collected from the farside of the Moon. In anticipation of this event, scientists from ... more
Laying the foundation for lunar base construction
Seoul, South Korea (SPX) Jun 21, 2024
KICT Studies Microwave Sintering of Lunar Soil for Moon Base Construction NASA's Artemis program aims to build a lunar base, but transporting construction materials from Earth to the Moon is e ... more
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China's Chang'e 6 Spacecraft Spotted by NASA's LRO on Lunar Far Side
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jun 18, 2024
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) captured an image of China's Chang'e 6 sample return spacecraft on the Moon's far side on June 7. Chang'e 6 had landed on June 1, and LRO imaged the lander ... more
Intuitive Machines Achieves Lunar Landing with Sciaky EBAM Component
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jun 12, 2024
Sciaky has extended its pioneering work in additive manufacturing to lunar exploration by producing a critical part for Intuitive Machines' IM-1 mission to the Moon. Using a refractory alloy and one ... more
In new experiment, scientists record Earth's radio waves from the moon
Boulder CO (SPX) Jun 11, 2024
On Feb. 22, a lunar lander named Odysseus touched down near the moon's South Pole and popped out four antennas to record radio waves around the surface-a moment CU Boulder astrophysicist Jack Burns ... more
NASA's Gateway space station Halo module moves closer to launch
Washington DC (UPI) Jun 10, 2024
NASA's Gateway space station is moving closer to a launch after welding recently was completed on a module in Turin, Italy, the agency said Monday. ... more
Chang'e-6 highlights China's goal to build international collaboration
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jun 09, 2024
China's Chang'e-6 probe, carrying expectations from scientists worldwide, is currently in orbit around the moon, awaiting the optimal moment for its return journey. If successful, Chang'e-6 wi ... more
First Detection of Negative Ions on the Moon

Paris, France (SPX) Jun 07, 2024
The first ESA instrument on the Moon has detected negative ions on the lunar surface produced through interactions with the solar wind. The European team with the Negative Ions at the Lunar Surface (NILS) instrument confirmed the success of this mission aboard the Chang"e-6 spacecraft. The discovery of a new component of plasma at the Moon"s surface opens new avenues for space physics and lunar exploration. b>Mission of Firsts br> /b> The negative ion detector on the Moon collected o ... read more
Nagoya University Develops Advanced Heat-Switch for Lunar Rovers
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Jun 07, 2024
Astronauts driving vehicles on the Moon face extreme temperature fluctuations, with highs of 127C (260F) and lows of -173C (-280F). Reliable machines capable of operating under these conditions are ... more



National Flag Unfurled on Moon Made of Basalt Fibers
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jun 07, 2024
Chinese scientists developed a special national flag made of basalt fibers, which was unfurled this week by the Chang'e 6 lunar probe. The flag, designed to endure temperature fluctuations, hi ... more
Apollo 8 astronaut dies in small plane crash at age 90
Washington (AFP) June 8, 2024
William Anders, the former US astronaut who took the historic "Earthrise" photo from space over 55 years ago, died in a plane crash on Friday at the age of 90, his family said. ... more
Lunar Samples Transferred for Return to Earth
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jun 07, 2024
Lunar samples collected from the moon's far side by China's Chang'e 6 mission have been delivered to their final carrier for the return trip to Earth, according ... more
Olivine Insights Reveal Moon's Interior Secrets
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Jun 06, 2024
Olivine is the earliest mineral to crystallize from basaltic magma. Accurate knowledge of olivine/melt partition coefficients (DOl-melt) for first-transition row ele ... more
Chang'e 6 Mission Sets New Standards in Lunar Sample Return
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jun 06, 2024
China's Chang'e 6 mission has focused global attention on its methodical approach to lunar exploration. The mission aims to return samples from the Moon's far side, emphasizing engineering precision ... more
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